Soper Clan
Adam, Tone, Jack & Clark
Friday, March 2, 2012
Monday, February 13, 2012
Yep, I suck at this... It really just seems that the older Jack gets, the harder it gets to keep up on ANYTHING!! Geez... And to top it off, now we've gone and added another munchkin to it.. Well, not quite here yet obviously, but as of this summer, just get used to no blogging from this girl. Then you will be pleasantly surprised if it does happen. :)
The mess that was Christmas morning..

Looks like we have ourselves an artist
Still LOVES to take a bath. Even if it's noon, and he's already had a shower for the day..
I sure hope I can be better at keeping everyone updates. Especially my family in Norway... I promise I really will try harder. I'm not saying you'll actually get more posts... Just that I'll try harder... Haha. I know, I know.... Do or do not, there is no try... We'll all just have to see how I do. Love you all!
Monday, August 22, 2011
Friday, August 19, 2011
Let's try this again....
So, I obviously suck at blogging now... Let's just start over, shall we? I think that's a good idea. :) So here we go! I hope you're ready for this.. :)
Summer has been in full force this year. At the end of June we went to Lake Powell for a week, and then Adam spend the first half of the summer working in Panguitch. It was hard to have him gone, but he really loved it over there. Since he's been back working in Cedar City, he has been gone quite a it, but we've seen him more so that's good. Summers aren't too exciting for us since it is Adam's busy season, so Jack and I just do what we can to entertain ourselves. Mostly we just hang out at home. Sometimes we play i the back yard... When it's not TOO hot. Or we hang out with Granny. St George is an option every once in a while. :)
Jack is getting so big. I can't believe is is already over a year. It just blows my mind. His personality is coming out more and more everyday. He is stubborn like his momma... Not such a good thing. He is independent. He is funny. He is charming. He brightens our lives everyday. He is such a character. His newest thing is posing for pictures....
Things he loves:
Hopefully I can keep up on this a little better now... I'll do my best. :)
Summer has been in full force this year. At the end of June we went to Lake Powell for a week, and then Adam spend the first half of the summer working in Panguitch. It was hard to have him gone, but he really loved it over there. Since he's been back working in Cedar City, he has been gone quite a it, but we've seen him more so that's good. Summers aren't too exciting for us since it is Adam's busy season, so Jack and I just do what we can to entertain ourselves. Mostly we just hang out at home. Sometimes we play i the back yard... When it's not TOO hot. Or we hang out with Granny. St George is an option every once in a while. :)
Jack is getting so big. I can't believe is is already over a year. It just blows my mind. His personality is coming out more and more everyday. He is stubborn like his momma... Not such a good thing. He is independent. He is funny. He is charming. He brightens our lives everyday. He is such a character. His newest thing is posing for pictures....

Things he loves:
Hopefully I can keep up on this a little better now... I'll do my best. :)
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thanksgiving and Christmas
We spent Thanksgiving in Panguitch this year. It was Jack's first Thanksgiving, and I still managed to only get 2 pictures.. I am horrible..

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!

Hanging out with my Great Grandpa Jack! Don't we look alike?
Christmas was super fun this year as it was of course Jack's first time for that too.. I love Christmas and the time leading up to it. Jack and I watched lots of Christmas movies everyday. During this time Jack also figured out how to get to stuff he wanted to play with.. Or eat.. Same thing. These things were mainly the lights, decorations on the tree, the tree skirt, and later the gifts under the tree....

I would most of the time return to the front room to find Jack under the tree..

Clark also liked hanging out under the tree... On the extra lights that ended up just being on the floor..
We also made some treats! The point of the treats was to give them away to neighbors and friends... This didn't happen. As fun as they were, they just ended up being too much work to make enough for all the people I wanted to give them to. My solution? Don't give anything! Ha.

They were fun to make, but even funner to EAT!
In Norway Christmas is celebrated on Christmas Eve. That works out nice for us. We spend Christmas Eve with my mom and the Christmas Day with Adam's family.
The dinner spread. Christmas Eve dinner is kind of a big deal over there. The family gets together and they do a big fancy dinner. My mom never disappoints when it comes to Christmas dinner. :)
Also, in Norway, the presents are opened on Christmas Eve. After dinner. It is torture for the kids to get through the meal, but it is so fun! Nissen (Santa Clause) comes to see the kids and give them their presents too.. Well, he does in Norway... Our kids have to wait till the next morning for their Santa presents. We do open all the family gifts though. Here is Jack with some of his.

We didn't spoil Jack too much this year since he won't remember it anyway.. Ha. We did get him one big toy though.
Mom helping him open his present. He really just wanted to eat the paper...
He liked it!! And on the floor next to him are some little toys that Santa left in his stocking.
After we opened presents at home, we got ready and headed over to Granny and Papa's house(Adam's mom and step dad). We had breakfast there and opened even more presents. They spoiled Jack like crazy...
This is my "stocking" at Granny and Papa's house! Granny's idea of stocking stuffers would never fit in a stocking, so she gave the babies buckets... Haha
Cute new hat that Granny and Papa gave me!
Daddy helping open a present from Aunt Kimmy. Jack was way more interested in the paper this year...
Then the cousins got there! Aiden got right down on the floor to play with Jack and try to teach him how to crawl. It was the cutest thing ever..
Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures from our Christmas with Adam's dad.. I can't believe I didn't! I'm a little upset with myself, but in any case, we had a blast there too. A fantastic dinner, great gifts and amazing company... I wish Christmas could last a little longer. I start getting ready right after Thanksgiving, but the time just seems to fly by and all of a sudden it is all over...

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!

Hanging out with my Great Grandpa Jack! Don't we look alike?
Christmas was super fun this year as it was of course Jack's first time for that too.. I love Christmas and the time leading up to it. Jack and I watched lots of Christmas movies everyday. During this time Jack also figured out how to get to stuff he wanted to play with.. Or eat.. Same thing. These things were mainly the lights, decorations on the tree, the tree skirt, and later the gifts under the tree....

I would most of the time return to the front room to find Jack under the tree..

Clark also liked hanging out under the tree... On the extra lights that ended up just being on the floor..
We also made some treats! The point of the treats was to give them away to neighbors and friends... This didn't happen. As fun as they were, they just ended up being too much work to make enough for all the people I wanted to give them to. My solution? Don't give anything! Ha.

In Norway Christmas is celebrated on Christmas Eve. That works out nice for us. We spend Christmas Eve with my mom and the Christmas Day with Adam's family.

Also, in Norway, the presents are opened on Christmas Eve. After dinner. It is torture for the kids to get through the meal, but it is so fun! Nissen (Santa Clause) comes to see the kids and give them their presents too.. Well, he does in Norway... Our kids have to wait till the next morning for their Santa presents. We do open all the family gifts though. Here is Jack with some of his.

We didn't spoil Jack too much this year since he won't remember it anyway.. Ha. We did get him one big toy though.

After we opened presents at home, we got ready and headed over to Granny and Papa's house(Adam's mom and step dad). We had breakfast there and opened even more presents. They spoiled Jack like crazy...

Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures from our Christmas with Adam's dad.. I can't believe I didn't! I'm a little upset with myself, but in any case, we had a blast there too. A fantastic dinner, great gifts and amazing company... I wish Christmas could last a little longer. I start getting ready right after Thanksgiving, but the time just seems to fly by and all of a sudden it is all over...
I hope everyone else had a great holiday. We love you all! Have a great 2011!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Saturday, November 13, 2010
From picures till now..
I am horrible at keeping this updated lately, I know. In my defense though, we really don't do anything. Adam is finally back to a normal schedule so we are enjoying the weekends together. This summer was quite uneventful. Jack was so little that we really didn't do much. My sister and her family came to visit in September, and we went to Sand Hollow. Since I am horrile at taking pictures I got about 2 while we were there...

Ok... I got 3... Haha
I gave Jack his first haircut too... It was so funny. He just sat there. Didn't even flinch! He did try to turn around to see what I was doing, but that's it!

We also have had Halloween. Jack's first. It was super fun. We went to Panguitch so we could see his cousins Aiden and Ashton. I didn't get any pictures of them together (OF COURSE!), but we did get a shot of Jack with his super cute girlfriend.

We also carved pumpkins with our favorites, Kurtney.. (Kurt and Whitney)

Here's Adam's pumpkin on Clarks head.. This poor cat lets us do whatever we want to him.. (And yes... Adam's pumpkin is supposed to be a butt...)

Jack got his first taste of the pool too! He LOVED it! The water was a little cold, so we didn't stay long. We're super excited to take him again though...

The week before Thanksgiving we went up to Salt Lake for an EMT conference for Adam. We had a lot of fun. I got to see my friends. I really miss them all a ton... We went to a hockey game one night. I don't have any pictures because Jack SCREAMED the whole time. It was way too loud for him.. Poor buddy. We also went to a BYU football game. Jack did much better there. He fell asleep for some of it. We made it through most of the game before he was just plain done.

Thanksgiving was fun. We went to Panguitch this year. For some reason I only took 2 pictures. Just of Jack... So this is Jack on his first Thanksgiving! He was so happy all weekend. It was really fun.

The Saturday after Thanksgiving my brother blessed his little girl and baptized his boy. We got to go share the experience with them and it looks like Jack and Brekka are gonna be great friends!

We are all looking forward to Christmas. I love December. It is such a fun month. I've been getting some of our decorations up, but we don't have our tree yet, so I have been a little lazy about it. Adam is going to get it for us this weekend, so I got the stand ready with the tree skirt. Clark seems to be pretty excited about it..

I'll try my best to be better at keeping up on this... Here are a couple more pictures for good measure...

Ok... I got 3... Haha
I gave Jack his first haircut too... It was so funny. He just sat there. Didn't even flinch! He did try to turn around to see what I was doing, but that's it!

We also have had Halloween. Jack's first. It was super fun. We went to Panguitch so we could see his cousins Aiden and Ashton. I didn't get any pictures of them together (OF COURSE!), but we did get a shot of Jack with his super cute girlfriend.

We also carved pumpkins with our favorites, Kurtney.. (Kurt and Whitney)

Here's Adam's pumpkin on Clarks head.. This poor cat lets us do whatever we want to him.. (And yes... Adam's pumpkin is supposed to be a butt...)

Jack got his first taste of the pool too! He LOVED it! The water was a little cold, so we didn't stay long. We're super excited to take him again though...

The week before Thanksgiving we went up to Salt Lake for an EMT conference for Adam. We had a lot of fun. I got to see my friends. I really miss them all a ton... We went to a hockey game one night. I don't have any pictures because Jack SCREAMED the whole time. It was way too loud for him.. Poor buddy. We also went to a BYU football game. Jack did much better there. He fell asleep for some of it. We made it through most of the game before he was just plain done.

Thanksgiving was fun. We went to Panguitch this year. For some reason I only took 2 pictures. Just of Jack... So this is Jack on his first Thanksgiving! He was so happy all weekend. It was really fun.

The Saturday after Thanksgiving my brother blessed his little girl and baptized his boy. We got to go share the experience with them and it looks like Jack and Brekka are gonna be great friends!

We are all looking forward to Christmas. I love December. It is such a fun month. I've been getting some of our decorations up, but we don't have our tree yet, so I have been a little lazy about it. Adam is going to get it for us this weekend, so I got the stand ready with the tree skirt. Clark seems to be pretty excited about it..

I'll try my best to be better at keeping up on this... Here are a couple more pictures for good measure...

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