1- Adam John Soper
2- Rainy days
3- Music
1- The dark. It used to only be outside, but now that I have to be at home alone a lot, it's in my house too... At least in my condo I can pretend like the sounds are from the neighbors. What am I going to do when I'm in a house!!!!
2- Losing Adam... In any way, shape or form.
3- The water. I hate deep waters. And I can swim, but I have nightmares about drowning...
1- To read the Harry Potter books. (Adam tells me I HAVE to... Ha ha)
2- To actually go on a vacation that we talk about... Everything ALWAYS falls through for us!!!
3- To fold the laundry that is currently waiting for me.... :)
Current Obsessions
1- Twilight books. And I swore I would never read them. They are actually really good though.
3- Adam John Soper
Random Surprising Fact
1- My OCDish tendencies. Ok, so that might not be SURPRISING to a lot of you, but it is random. The main part of it being food smells. I hate cooking, cause I can't stand it when my house smells like food. I cannot touch ANY foods that might have a smell that would linger on my hands after washing. And I 100% HATE it when anyone in the same restaurant as me orders fajitas... Cause I can smell it in my hair and on my clothes when I leave. And yes, when that happens, I usually have to go home and shower immediately.
2- When I was a kid, I was a toe head blond.... And now I am soooo far from blond. :)
3- I used to be a local band groupie. Adam still teases me about it.... But regardless of what he says, I still love all my band friends. :)
Ok... I tag Anika, Jess, Amber, Jen, Arica, Mendy, Andrea, and Mandie!!! YAY!!