Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Fun with the Browers

So, Andrea's dad "won" a suite at a Bee's game, and naturally Adam and I were invited. Unfortunately Adam had to work, so it was one again an eventful night for just me with the Browers and fam. It was super fun! I felt really important actually. When we got there, we got our tickets, and then had to go in through the VIP entrance. (That's right... The VIP's coming through). Then all 13 of us crammed into an elevator to go up to our fabulous suite. We had the perfect one to. And I would describe it if I knew anything about baseball, or the right things to say about the field, and where we were relative to the area's of the field... All I know is that we were behind the catcher to the left.... Haha. I had a picture, but I was retarded enough to erase it on accident.... The one and only picture I had... Once we got to the actual suite, there was food, and a barrell of fun just waiting for us. :) During the 5th inning we were presented with an ice cream bar. HOW EFFING SWEET IS THAT?? Or should I say how SUITE is it... Wow... Can you tell I've had too much Dr. Pepper today??? :) Once I got the camera out to take pictures, I somehow only ended up with ones of the kids... Except for the above one of Andrea and me... Ryleigh had a great time being passed around from person to person... Banging on the window inside the suite, and eating lots of ice cream. And is that Camdyn or Darla???? I don't know... Elden wouldn't really let me take any pictures of him, but I almost got him... We spent some good times wrestling though. (I won...) Aleigh was her normal little angel self. I love these kids... Good ol Ross was a great sport. Even when we put Ryleigh's bow on his head and took a picture. Hah. Doesn't he look adorable??? And in the end, here is Ryleigh to tell you all how truly exciting the night was.


Amber Ferran said... sweet! And an ice cream bar? Sounds like you were treated like royalty at the bball game Tone! Glad you had fun!

Anika said...

FUN! You always MY VIP! HA! Why didn't you come visit me while you were up here!??? You're in TROUBLE!